Inn Style and The Pop-Up Hotel create Italian-language online booking
Contributed by Inn Style
6/02/2017 - Inn Style
Inn Style, the Suffolk-based travel-technology company, launched their website builder service towards the end of last year, revolutionising the online accommodation market by offering a free website for every subscriber to its booking system.
The websites they offer are mobile-friendly and beautifully designed. Property owners can customise the template to reflect the branding for their business with a range of options, including colours, images and text. Inn Style takes care of the hosting and search engine optimisation.
Customers like Bodalwyn Guesthouse — who joined Inn Style in December 2016 — are already benefitting from having a website with direct bookings built in. Owner Hilary Davies commented “Within the first 30 days of using Inn Style, it had already paid for itself for the next three years.”
By serving their free website builder service over https, Inn Style is offering property owners, and their customers, a completely encrypted browsing and booking experience, so guests can book direct with even more confidence.
Chris Waters, from Inn Style, said: “All Inn Style websites are secure by default which gives guests even more confidence to book direct. Secure websites make search engines happy too. If Google knows your website gives visitors a secure environment, they’ll be more inclined to rank it above a non-secure website”.
Anyone can sign up for a free trial at http://www.innstyle.co.uk
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