Google searches for ‘Remote jobs’ hit their highest ever level during the month of August
31/08/2022 - SmallPDF
Searches in the UK for ‘remote jobs’ hit their highest ever level during August of 2022, more than two years after the very first COVID-19 lockdown.
A new study from document management company SmallPDF reveals that Google searches for remote jobs hit their highest ever level since searches began being recorded in 2004.
Searches for ‘remote IT jobs’ also hit their highest level ever, indicating a demand in the industry for working from home opportunities.
A spokesperson from SmallPDF commented: “As train strikes continue, interest in remote work is at an all time high, with many people looking for home working jobs due to the uncertainty of further strike action. This is accompanied with the pandemic sparking a never before seen influx of opportunities to work from home, meaning interest in remote working may continue to rise over the next decade.
It’ll be interesting to see how this demand for remote working affects certain industries, and the thinking of corporate management in their future hiring processes.”
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