Suffolk Chamber: Latest ‘no-deal’ notice ‘disturbing for some key Suffolk businesses’

Suffolk Chamber: Latest ‘no-deal’ notice ‘disturbing for some key Suffolk businesses’

John Dugmore, the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive, has given his reaction to the latest tranche of Government technical notices to advise businesses in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

John said; “While some local businesses will be reassured by some of the details in these notices, such as around IP protection, the admission that loss of market access is a possibility for others will be deeply disturbing for some key Suffolk businesses. There will be major concerns in key Suffolk-based industries such as logistics and road haulage that operate routinely across borders at European scale, that their markets will be fragmented by new licensing or regulatory frameworks.

“If the EU and the UK fail to reach a withdrawal agreement, businesses will urgently need comprehensive answers to the many outstanding questions on business continuity. The Government must take every possible step to minimise the disruption and bureaucracy that could face firms in the future.”

For further information visit the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce website

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