Suffolk businesses given the tools to fight the war on talent
Contributed by Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
20/02/2018 - Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
The county’s leading business body has announced that it has recruited Stuart Franklin, to take up the newly created role of business development manager.
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce is looking to further grow its already impressive membership based on the breadth of its offer to all sizes and sectors of companies: from multinationals to start-ups.
Stuart has a 25-year plus career in media, sales, and advertising, starting in Fleet Street in the early 1990s, before moving onto Rex Features, later to become Shutterstock, a leading stock photography, footage and music company. There Stuart specialised in finding new business, as well as retaining current business for the company. He moved to Suffolk for family reasons in 2015.
Stuart said “I’m delighted to have joined Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, which I’ve known previously because of its great reputation among the county’s business community. I’m looking forward to growing the Chamber’s membership levels across Suffolk, as well as building on our fantastic relationships with our current members and patrons.”
Amanda Ankin, Suffolk Chamber’s operations director, said “Stuart is a successful and versatile business development professional who will add to our reach in recruiting new members and in building even better relationships with our existing ones.
“We’re delighted to have him as part of our team and look forward to continuing to grow the Chamber’s ongoing success story.”
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