Ensors announces two new partners
4/05/2018 - Ensors

Ensors Chartered Accountants have announced that Chris Barrett and Neil Meekings became partners of the firm on 1 April 2018.
Chris started in Ensors’ Ipswich office in 2001 as a student accountant and qualified in 2007. He quickly moved through the ranks to become Corporate Services Manager in 2012. He moved to Ensors Bury St Edmunds office in 2015, taking on a new role as Director of Corporate Services and has recently passed the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIoT) exams.
Neil Qualifyied as a Certified Accountant with Ensors in 2004. He spent his early career working in the agricultural sector of the firm before moving to the Corporate Finance team in 2005. In 2015 Neil also sat and passed the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIoT) exams and moved to Ensors Bury St Edmunds office, taking responsibility for developing the firm’s general practice client base with a particular focus on agriculture and rural businesses.
David Scrivener, Managing Partner, said: “The partners are delighted to welcome Chris and Neil as partners and look forward to working with them to take the firm forward. It is especially pleasing that both Chris and Neil joined as students and have worked their way through to partnership. They are both highly respected members of the team both within the firm and in the East Anglia region by clients, professional contacts and colleagues alike. Their promotion is part of a strategic investment in this highly successful office boosting both its agricultural and corporate reputation.”
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