4/10/2023 - Avva Experience
According to research from corporate experience company Avva Experience, the East of England has the smartest employees in the UK.
Quiz score data from a sample of over 5,000 UK employees was analysed, and participants were ranked based on their knowledge of business, popular culture, current affairs, and world news. The study found that workers in the East of England had an average quiz score of 64%, which is higher than the national average of 52%.
Interestingly, data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) suggests the East of England also has a higher employment rate than the UK’s average, standing at 78.1% compared to 75.7%.
However, Plumplot data shows that the UK’s brightest regional workers may not necessarily be the best paid, with average full-time salaries in the East of England falling short of the national average – £38k versus £40k.
The top five UK regional rankings are as follows:
- East of England: 64%
- London: 54%
- North West: 50%
- South East: 47%
- South West: 36%
Avva Experience CEO and co-founder, Barnaby Sellers, said, “It’s interesting to see the breakdown of quiz scores for the different UK regions. The results of this study are also a reminder that there is no single measure of intelligence. Our scores measure knowledge of popular culture, world news and trivia. Still, many other factors contribute to intelligence, such as creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional intelligence. We believe that all workers have something to offer, but there’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition!”
Image: Barnaby Sellers, CEO and Co-founder of Avva Experience
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