Initiative launches to help thousands of veterans in the East of England
Contributed by NHS
11/02/2020 - FutureYou
As one of the most romantic days of the year, intimacy is most likely on the agenda for couples. However, for the older population of Britain – the over 60’s, due to health problems are left frustrated, as a recent study discovered.
Problems preventing love-making include trouble with joints (17%), being too tired (22%) and erectile dysfunction (22%), according to a survey of 2,000 over-55s conducted for health supplement company FutureYou Cambridge.
Three-quarters of them say their love lives are being hampered by age-related ailments such as creaky knees, arthritis and erection problems. Two-thirds of people heading towards retirement say they are still sexually active now and then but aren’t able to do it as much as they want to.
The study of 1,000 people over 55 with arthritis also found that a quarter of Britain’s 10million sufferers say they have less sex than they used to.
Over half (57%) say they exercise less, 54% say it affects their sleep and over a quarter (28 socialise less. Nearly half (46%) say it has a negative impact on their relationships. A quarter (26%) are having less sex.
Sex therapist Kate Taylor says: “Intimacy is really important. Regular sex gives your physical health a giant boost. Regular lovemaking lowers stress, strengthens your immune system, builds muscle strength, and has even been shown to improve memory!”
The survey also found that 20% had taken some action to improve their situation, such as seeking medication.
According to the research by FutureYou Cambridge, 12% of arthritis sufferers are avoiding painkillers due to fear of side effects or addiction, and nearly half say they try to avoid taking over-the-counter pain relief. Over a quarter (27%) say they’ve not yet found a medication that works for them.
Half (47%) are open to trying food supplements or herbal remedies as an alternative, but only a quarter (23%) have considered using turmeric to manage their pain – despite significant research demonstrating evidence of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Turmeric is a plant that has been used for centuries in cooking and traditional medicine and is known to contain a powerful active ingredient, of curcumin, which has many anti-inflammatory properties.
Inflammation is behind many of the unpleasant symptoms of arthritis. FutureYou Cambridge, which conducted the research, has created a patented supplement called Turmeric+ that is 30 times more absorbable than standard turmeric due to the curcumin being combined with soy lecithin and also incorporates other micronutrients ingredients to help joint health.
Pain expert Dr Nicholas Shenker, consultant rheumatologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, said: “Curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) is poorly absorbed in the gut. FutureYou Turmeric+ combines curcumin with lecithin to prevent it being destroyed in the stomach. This allows it to be absorbed and distributed around the body and could help those suffering with arthritis.’
For more information on the health benefits of turmeric, visit the Future You website
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