Waller Transport Services launches new transport operating system
Contributed by SimpleClick
10/12/2018 - SimpleClick
The company, who are based on Felixstowe Road, asked Director Claire Thorpe to act as the official Mental Health Lead after discovering the national statistics relating to work-placed stress. In 2017 536,000 people suffered from work-related stress, anxiety or depression leading to a loss of 12.5million working days.
Claire’s appointment came after she, and fellow Director Richard Jennis, participated in a dedicated Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training day. During the one-day course in Ipswich, Claire developed a wealth of ideas of how SimpleClick can successfully look after their employee’s mental health and prevent them from becoming overwhelmed or stressed with work-related issues.
She says: “We are used to having dedicated first aiders within businesses, but it’s just as important to look after mental health as well as physical health. When one in six employees suggest that they are suffering from stress, anxiety or depression it’s clear that we are facing a national epidemic. I believe it’s vital that employers start to think about how they can work harder to support their staff.”
“The Mental Health First Aid training day was incredibly insightful. Not only did it explain how to spot the signs of mental ill health, but it provided the skills needed to support positive wellbeing. As a result, we’ve put up posters around our office, we’re implementing monthly one-to-one sessions focused solely on wellbeing and we’ll be
working hard on various initiatives to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week in May and World Mental Health Day in October.
“At SimpleClick, part of our corporate mission is to ensure that our staff are happy and healthy. For us, it was a no-brainer to include mental health into this support and we hope that over the next 12 months other businesses will start to offer similar guidance. If all employers made a small difference to their employee
welfare, then we could collectively make a big difference to improving the mental health of the UK workforce.”
Claire Thorpe and Richard Jennis completed their Mental Health First Aid training c/o MHFA England. There are a variety of training courses available nationally for individuals and workforces. To find out more about the training workshops, visit mhfaengland.org
For more information about SimpleClick, please visit simpleclick.co.uk or phone 0844 7362747.
Pictured is Claire Thorpe (centre) with fellow CimpleClick director Richard Jennings and Junior Developer Rachel Cooke. Photo Credit Ross Dean.
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