Masterlord Offer On Site Companies Free Health Checks

Masterlord Offer On Site Companies Free Health Checks

Masterlord Estates Ltd and OneLife Suffolk have teamed up to offer free NHS Health Checks to the one hundred companies based on the Masterlord Office Village, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich.

After meeting at ISSBA’s popular Anglia Business Exhibition earlier this year, Masterlord saw this as a great opportunity to work with local provider, OneLife Suffolk to help promote healthy living by offering the free NHS Health Checks to everyone working on their Office Village.  The room facilities at Masterlord’s Business Centre, Epsilon House are an ideal location for the Health Checks and are already used by several other private companies for occupational health medicals.


OneLife Suffolk offers free NHS Health Checks to people over 40 years old who reside in Suffolk and Essex and who meet the following criteria:

Has not had an NHS Health Check in the last 5 years, andHas no current diagnosis of heart disease, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, high cholesterol, diabetes, stroke, kidney disease or dementia.

The Health Checks are being held in the Board Room, Epsilon House, West Road, Ipswich on Tuesday 31st July and Tuesday 14th August 2018.  If you are based on the Masterlord Office Village and would like more information, or wish to book an appointment, please contact OneLife Suffolk directly on 01473 718193.

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