Event marks completion of Long Melford Swan’s expansion
24/02/2017 - Stuart Inns

The team at the Long Melford Swan greeted customers and guests as they gathered to celebrate the completion of the restaurant expansion, the opening of the deli and the addition of new rooms at a ribbon-cutting event on Thursday 23rd February.
Stuart Inns’ Sales and Marketing Director, Lorna Pissarro, said: “It is a pleasure to welcome our valued customers and supporters to help us mark this occasion. The expansion of the Long Melford Swan has allowed us to realise our ambition of creating not only a fabulous dining experience but also a wonderful place to stay.”
Since opening just five years ago, the Long Melford Swan has extended the restaurant with a new garden room, outside seating area and introduced the chef’s table offering an exclusive private dining experience with a view of the kitchen.
The award winning restaurant with rooms, run by the Macmillan family, has become a popular destination for foodies who not only enjoy the varied and exciting menu at The Swan but can also buy the finest ingredients and foods from the nearby Duck Deli to take away.
The hotel has seven individually designed bedrooms, including Room No.10 – The Suite, which features a separate lounge area, walk-in drench shower and freestanding copper bath.
The Long Melford Swan is part of the Stuart Inns Group which also manages the Hadleigh Ram and Lavenham Greyhound.
For more information about the Long Melford Swan, visit: http://www.longmelfordswan.co.uk/
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