AONB transport grant will help schools visit Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum
Contributed by Woodbridge Tide Mill
20/11/2019 - Woodbridge Tide Mill
On Wednesday, 27th November, children from local primary school, St. Marys, will be helping to run Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum as part of the ‘Kids In Museums’ takeover day.
Working alongside staff and volunteers, the Key Stage 2 children will receive a talk before rotating around the Mill to undertake the essential roles of milling, curating and guiding. Once they have completed this multidiscipline morning of work, each child will be presented with a certificate to take home.
Takeover Day is a celebration of children and young people’s contributions to museums, galleries and art. It was established in 2010 to help historic institutions empower young people and give them meaningful roles in their organisations. Over 5,000 children now take part each year, with many participants going on to become more involved in the life of the museum as a result.
Education Coordinator at Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum, Heather Sheehan, explained: “We are really looking forward to welcoming school children from the local area to our takeover morning. It is a great opportunity to engage children with Woodbridge’s riverside heritage and introduce them to what is involved in milling as well as maintaining, restoring and curating the museum.”
For further information visit the Woodbridge Tide Mill website.
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