Suffolk businesses given the tools to fight the war on talent
Contributed by Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
29/09/2017 - Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce’s flagship October networking lunch will deliver key insights into national and local issues affecting the future of Suffolk-based businesses.
Francis Martin, president of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC – the national body to which Suffolk Chamber is accredited), will be updating attendees on key topics relating to the Brexit negotiations, the Government’s Industrial Strategy and the BCC’s campaigns for more spending on key infrastructure projects, including better mobile coverage.
At the event, on 17 October at Woodhall Manor near Woodbridge, Francis will be joined by Suffolk Chamber’s policy director, Nick Burfield, who will update the group on the progress being made with the No More A14 Delays in Suffolk campaign. The Suffolk Chamber of Commerce-led initiative to address seven pinch points along the A14 in Suffolk, which is making one final push to secure much-needed government investment.
Nick will be outlining what the campaign has achieved, the next stages in the process to secure government investment for the A14 in Suffolk and what businesses can still do to provide additional evidence to further make our case.
Amanda Ankin, Suffolk Chamber’s operations director, said: “As well as providing an excellent, friendly opportunity for networking, our October lunch promises to deliver some key business insights from speakers at the very heart of our lobbying efforts. It really is a must-attend event for business that want to be ahead of their competition.”
Pictured Francis Martin (Image supplied by British Chambers of Commerce.)
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