A must-attend event for local tourism, hospitality and leisure businesses
14/05/2019 - Larking Gowen

If you are in the tourism and hospitality sector and would like to see the results of the ‘Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Business Survey’, you are invited to join MHA Larking Gowen – in conjunction with Adnams, at one of their exclusive launch events. The speakers at this event will share their insights from the results of the survey and discuss the issues affecting the sector.
This is the largest independent survey of its kind in our region, and the data will help to provide representative and accurate information about the sector; its views, trends and results across a range of issues, creating a useful benchmark and yardstick.
MHA Larking Gowen continue to work closely with Visit Norfolk, Visit Suffolk, Visit Essex and Visit East of England, with further support on a more local level of the destination marketing and management organisations.
When and where?
- Date: 23 May 2019
- Where: Kesgrave Hall, Hall Road, Kesgrave, Ipswich, IP5 2PU
The agenda for the event:
- 1.30 pm registration and Networking, tea, coffee, canapés
- 2.00pm Presentations commence
- 3.00pm Break with light refreshments
- 3.30pm Presentations recommence
- 5.00pm Presentations and Q&A finish. Guests are invited to stay for networking and drinks
To reserve your place at this event, visit www.larking-gowen.co.uk/events
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