Changes to bin collections over the festive period in Ipswich
Contributed by Ipswich Borough Council
28/06/2023 - Ipswich Borough Council
Ipswich Borough Council is celebrating a successful first year for the Ipswich Tree Warden Network.
Since launching at the Suffolk Show in 2022, the network has grown to 15 dedicated local volunteers, all passionate about protecting and planting trees in the Borough.
In its first year the network has planted 3,000 trees in parks and open spaces across Ipswich, including new hedging in Chantry Park and a new community orchard near Bramford Lane. Tree planting events were also organised in Gippeswyk Park and Murray Road Recreation Ground in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II through a collaboration with Trees for Cities.
The network not only focuses on the planting of trees but also helps to look after and maintain trees planted in recent years.
In the coming months the group will attend events to raise awareness of the importance of trees as well as prepare a seed collection to grow new trees from seed for future planting.
Councillor Phil Smart, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change at Ipswich Borough Council says:
“Thank you to our amazing Tree Warden volunteers for giving up their time during the network’s first year in operation. Thanks also go to the Tree Council and the Suffolk Tree Warden Network for their support to establish the network.
Our volunteers do so much more than just plant trees, as they help to care and maintain them for years to come, plus identify new possible locations for tree planting.
The Ipswich Tree Warden Network played an important part in helping Ipswich to retain its Tree Cities of the World (TCotW) status, and we hope by recruiting more volunteers we can grow the network and further its success.”
To find out more about joining the Ipswich Tree Warden Network, visit: www.ipswich.gov.uk/ipswich-tree-warden-network or email: Ipswichtreewardens@ipswich.gov.uk
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