Contributed by ScottishPower Renewables
19/09/2018 - ScottishPower Renewables
ScottishPower Renewables has added an additional phase of consultation for its East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North offshore windfarm projects, with the possibility of using land on the Sizewell B estate to place the onshore substations required.
This land is proposed to be used as a site to translocate protected wildlife in preparation for the Sizewell C development. EDF Energy has been working in with Natural England and Suffolk Wildlife Trust to establish this land as an agreed ecological mitigation area.
The additional consultation phase, phase 3.5, will run from 29th September until 29th October 2018 and will specifically investigate the potential of locating the onshore substations for the project on the Sizewell Estate land as an alternative to the site north of Friston.
David Walker, Development Director at ScottishPower Renewables, said: “Our initial feedback from local authorities and from EDF Energy advised that the Sizewell Estate was not available for our project to utilise, due to its location within the AONB and future developments already planned to support Sizewell C. However, recent requests from local authorities have indicated that SPR should explore this land further, and we have continued our positive engagement with EDF Energy to see if the land could be made available. We are committed to exploring all options fully, and this additional stage of consultation will focus specifically on the Broom Covert site. We would like as many people as possible to provide their feedback on this additional stage of consultation. Residents will be able to come along to public council meetings we are holding, or view the plans on our website or at libraries and public buildings across Suffolk.”.
For further information visit the ScottishPower Renewables website.
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