Ipswich Student Area Named Among Most Dangerous in the UK

Ipswich Student Area Named Among Most Dangerous in the UK

New research has shed light on the university zones with the highest police crime rates, pinpointing Alexandra in Ipswich as the ninth-riskiest in the UK.

The study, conducted by the online education platform Internet of Learning, analysed police crime data to calculate the crime rate for popular student neighbourhoods across leading universities in England and Wales. By condensing the number of crimes committed per 100 people in the past 12 months, the study could pinpoint the most dangerous areas. 

Ipswich is named the ninth-most concerning student area, where the Westgate neighbourhood classifies under the Alexandra boundary. Here, 18.2 crimes were committed per 100 people in the last 12 months. Out of 3,226 total crimes, violent or sexual assault accounted for 36.5% of these reports, and anti-social behaviour accounted for 14.4%.

The area of Cathays in Cardiff has been identified as the most concerning in terms of crime rates, with an estimated 32.5 crimes occurring per 100 people. In the last 12 months, 6,495 crimes were committed, and 31% of these offences were categorised as violent or sexual assault. It has the second-highest rate of shoplifting in the study, with 1,562 cases reported in the last year. Bicycle theft is also common, with 416 reported incidents.

Sunderland ranks second in crime statistics, where students reside in the Millfield Ward, just below the city’s central boundary. With an alarming 24.9 crimes per 100 people, a quarter of the population, the most prevalent offences in this area include violent and sexual assaults, anti-social behaviour, and shoplifting.

In Central Wolverhampton, which encompasses St. Peters’ boundary, the crime rate stands at 23.3 crimes per 100 people. Here, police data suggests that one in five residents has faced prosecution for drug-related offences. 

North Middlesbrough places fourth-most dangerous in the rankings. This boundary has seen a significant rise in robbery and weapon possession offenses over the past year. Robbery rates have reached 225 offenses, while weapon possession saw 130 offenses. In total, 23.1 crimes are committed per 100 people on average. 

Durham, with 20.9 offences per 100 people, Newcastle upon Tyne, with 19.2 offences, Stoke on Trent, with 19.0 offences, York, with 18.8 offences, Ipswich, with 18.2 offences, and Bangor, with 17.0 offences per 100 residents, complete the rankings. 

Manno Notermans, founder of the Internet of Learning, commented: “The countdown to September may have begun, but student safety shouldn’t be an afterthought. These findings provide a valuable starting point for student research, providing crucial insights into safety variations across the UK. 

“We encourage students to research potential neighbourhoods beyond just proximity to campus, understand local crime trends, and learn safety measures. By familiarising themselves with university security resources and local police programs, students can prioritise their well-being and make informed decisions that ensure a safe and enriching university journey.” 

For further imformatoin visit the  Internet of Learning, website.

Photo credit: iStock

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