Spider spins Community Web

Spider spins Community Web

Suffolk-based Spider, the region’s fixed fee web recruitment company, have recently spun their web in the local community by partnering with charity Age UK Suffolk, becoming the official sponsor for girl’s rugby team East Suffolk Lynx.

The charity, who provide support to elderly people in the county, are celebrating their 70th anniversary this year. They have invited 70 new businesses to work with them in 2018, helping to ensure their services are available to older people in Suffolk for many years to come.

Michelle Pollard, Managing Director of Spider says, “We are delighted to be working alongside Age UK Suffolk as their Platinum Friend for 2018. Helping to raise awareness of the charity’s great work and support the services they provide to elderly people across the county.”

As the region’s fixed fee web recruiter and online job advertiser, Spider also recognises how important it is to ‘keep it local’ and support schemes in Suffolk. Recently announced as the official sponsor for East Suffolk Lynx for the 2018/19 season, Spider can also help the girl’s rugby team recruit new members. The team are a joint initiative between both Ipswich and Woodbridge Rugby Clubs, with the programme offering development opportunities for both new and experienced players, aged between 11 and 18.

Wanting to keep their commitment to good causes in the region in which they operate, Michelle says, “Myself and the team are dedicated to supporting schemes that are both close to our hearts, that will benefit the community that has been so supportive to us in our business growth. We are passionate about helping others succeed and nurturing the talent in our region.”

For more information visit the Spider website.

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