Local author supports Ipswich charity for homeless people

Local author supports Ipswich charity for homeless people

Ipswich author Jon Bryant, recently visited the Ipswich Housing Action Group (IHAG) office in Carr Street, to present a copy of his debut novel ‘The Levelled’ and learn more about the charity that the profits from the sale of his book will be donated to.

‘The Levelled’ is a story of two lives that seem destined to become entwined. One, Bevan, facing mental disintegration amid personal tragedy and the de-humanising effect of corporate life, is heading towards a calamitous fall while Jez, already at the bottom, is living on the streets and facing the approach of winter. The story explores possible routes towards detachment from society, the harsh reality of homelessness and how salvation can be found where least expected.

Jon told us that he had always wanted to write a book and was inspired to create this story after seeing people living rough on the streets of Ipswich. “I couldn’t stop thinking about how people could end up in this situation” Jon explained. “I know there are stereotypes about homeless people, but I also know how easy it is for people with what may be considered ‘good jobs’ or ‘normal lives’ to end up without a home to call their own. Thankfully I have not personally experienced homelessness so my account of that aspect in the book is from conversations with some who have and from my imagination, but I have experienced enough to make me consider how easy it is for anyone’s life to dramatically change.”

Adrian Rawlinson, communications and marketing manager at IHAG said “When Jon contacted us to say he wanted to donate the profits from his debut novel to our charity we were extremely grateful. The money is always needed but Jon is doing something that is perhaps even more valuable; and that is helping to spread the message that anyone can become homeless. As a charity that needs to generate support we find that we often come up against the stereotypical idea of homelessness. People, as Jon did, see the rough sleepers but most people could never imagine that they, or their loved ones, could end up there. The reality is most people who are homeless do not end up on the street. These ‘hidden homeless’ are often sleeping on sofas, staying with family for a limited time or in insecure accommodation. It is estimated that in Ipswich alone there are over 1000 at any one time with no safe place to call their own. This is the bigger problem we need support to solve, and with help from people like Jon, the message we need to spread.”

‘The Levelled’ can be purchased from Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition https://amzn.to/2Qb30ey.

If you would like to find out about how you could support local people who are homeless visit www.ihag.co.uk/support-us  

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