27/11/2023 - Tom's Trust

Tom’s Trust is joining forces with the Big Give again this year to double supporters’ donations and launch its Christmas campaign for 2023. The campaign, ‘Donate Your Last Hour’, encourages the charity’s supporters to donate their last hour of wages in 2023, which will then be doubled through the Big Give. The Big Give is now live and closes on Tuesday 5th December at midday, so the charity is encouraging anyone wishing to donate this Christmas to donate now to see donations doubled, at no extra cost to donors.
Donating your last hour of wages enables a clinical psychologist to be there for a child and their family when facing a devastating brain tumour diagnosis. And with the Big Give your money will support twice as many families.
Debs Mitchell, Co-Founder of Tom’s Trust, said: “Every penny will help the children who need us each year and we’ll be supporting even more in 2024. If you can’t give a full hour’s wages, we’d appreciate any donation you can spare this year. Last year we raised an enormous £10,423 thanks to your generosity during our Big Give campaign, enabling us to support a number of families who reached out to us for help over the Christmas period. We’re determined to smash that target this year and raise £12,500 as we help families across more of the country than ever before. It’s an ambitious target which we can’t reach without your support.”
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