House of Commons invite for regional mental health charity
10/03/2020 - Student Life

Young person charity Student Life has been asked to collaborate with the national Samaritans on a self-harm inquiry and has met a steering group of MP’s in Westminster.
An All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) is being chaired by Liz Twist MP and is undertaking the inquiry by bringing together experts through oral evidence sessions, as well as collecting written evidence, to better understand what services exist for young people who self-harm, how effective these are and how they can be improved. Once this evidence has been collected, the APPG will produce a report, setting out recommendations for how young people who self-harm can be better supported through services.
The inquiry will explore the experiences of young people who self-harm in accessing support services. In particular, it will examine:
- support services currently available in both clinical and the wider community settings (including schools)
- plans for improving and expanding this support
- the changes needed to ensure that support is made more effective and widely available.
The inquiry will focus on the experience of young people up to the age of 25, given the high and rising rates of self-harm among this group:
- The inquiry will focus on the experience of people accessing services in England, reflecting the devolved responsibility for health services in other nations
“I am delighted that Samaritans has reached out to us and truly understands the important role that young people will have in shaping this inquiry” explained Student Life CEO Richard Stewart.
“Our young people’s involvement in this national inquiry is testament to how we are developing our charity and the voice that is being provided to young people across Suffolk, Norfolk & Kent” continued Richard.
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