First-time buyers take advantage of new scheme to get on property ladder
Contributed by Persimmon Homes
14/08/2022 - Persimmon Homes
Thurston Rugby Club’s plans to improve their facilities have received a £1,000 cash boost from a leading housebuilder.
Persimmon Homes Suffolk made the award from its Community Champions fund, which aims to support grassroots organisations in the areas where the company is building.
Ian Hamilton, managing director of Persimmon Homes Suffolk, said: “Local sports teams play an important role in the fabric of rural life, providing a focus for their neighbourhood. We are pleased that our Community Champions initiative allows us to support Thurston Rugby, which is close to our College Park development.”
The village club offers access to sport for players of all standards.
Spokesman Matt Ansell said: “We have developed our facilities significantly over the past few seasons, and willingly offer these up at subsidised rates for local community use, especially for youth sporting activity.
“Persimmon’s generous donation will help us to replace the marquee that has been in situ for five years with a more permanent structure for hosting events for the club, and to offer a meeting and group activities space for local organisations to use.”
Anyone interested in the club can find out more at www.pitchero.com/clubs/thurston
Persimmon Homes Suffolk provides financial support for two local charities and good causes each month, through its Community Champions programme.
Ian Hamilton added: “Every month we make two donations of up to £1,000 in the Suffolk region, so we would encourage more schools, sports clubs, small charities and voluntary groups to complete the simple online application form at www.persimmonhomes.com/charity to be in with a chance of securing funding for their own projects.”
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