Birketts signs up to support Elmer’s Big Parade Suffolk
12/02/2019 - Birketts

Birketts, the full service top 100 law firm based in East Anglia, has signed-up to support Elmer’s Big Parade Suffolk in aid of local charity, St Elizabeth Hospice.
Over the summer, Ipswich town centre and the waterfront will be home to a stunning array of elephant sculptures for Elmer’s Big Parade Suffolk – featuring 55 individually-designed elephants based on the much loved children’s character, Elmer the patchwork elephant.
Nigel Farthing, sponsor of the CSR committee at Birketts said: “Having supported St Elizabeth Hospice’s Pigs Gone Wild project in 2016 we’re delighted to be part of the happy herd again in what promises to be the biggest mass participation public art event Suffolk has ever seen. To mark this very special event we have commissioned renowned local artist, Emma Graham, to create Elephantom of the Opera.”
To keep up with Elephantom of the Opera’s adventures, follow him on Twitter @ElephantomOpera.
“Working on the Wild in Art public art sculptures is always great fun. The last trail in Ipswich really brought the community together and I’m flattered that Birketts commissioned me to design their Elmer. It has been hugely enjoyable to work on and I can’t wait to see him in pride of place on the trail,” added Emma Graham.
Norman Lloyd, Elmer’s Big Parade Suffolk – Campaigns Manager, added: “We’re thrilled that Birketts have signed-up to be part of our pachyderm project and we’re sure Elephantom of the Opera will be hugely popular. We’re expecting people to come from far-and-wide to see the amazing sculptures on the trail this summer to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of both St Elizabeth Hospice and Elmer.”
After the trail ends in September the sculptures will be auctioned off to raise funds for St Elizabeth Hospice.
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