Suffolk businesses given the tools to fight the war on talent
Contributed by Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
3/12/2018 - Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
A snap poll completed by 169 members of Suffolk Chamber of Commerce has indicated that a small majority of those replying backed the Government’s Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration.
Suffolk Chamber conducted the snap poll asking participants to select one of four responses as to how they viewed the Government’s Brexit proposals;
51% opted for ‘Get on with it’, followed by 24% for Serious reservations’, 19% for ‘Outright rejection’ and 6% for ‘Outright support’.
John Dugmore, chief executive of Suffolk Chamber, said “this survey indicates that there is still a broad range of opinions among our membership on this crucial issue.
“Whilst this particular survey hints at a slim majority for the Government’s plans over other options, from conversations that we’ve been having it’s clear that the overwhelming need from all businesses is for more practical information about what they need to plan for to prepare for any of the main outcomes.
“In addition, there is near-unanimity among members that the Government must do everything possible to avoid a disorderly UK exit from the European Union.
“Our role remains one of working with the British Chambers of Commerce to push for clear answers from Government to the very practical question that all businesses, whether they current trade with the European Union or not, need as they plan their investment and recruitment strategies.”
The BCC has produced a Business Brexit checklist aimed at helping companies consider the changes that Brexit may bring, and helping them to plan at both operational and board level.
The BCC’s Brexit Risk Register highlights the two-dozen top real-world questions being asked on Brexit by businesses where clarity is urgently needed and the government’s up-to-date responses.
In addition, the BCC has produced a Brexit Agreement FAQs about the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration.
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