Suffolk businesses given the tools to fight the war on talent
Contributed by Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
16/03/2018 - Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
Leading employment support and training services company, PeoplePlus has joined 15 other leading organisations to become the latest patron of Suffolk Chamber of Commerce.
PeoplePlus supports tens of thousands of citizens each year across the country to both get into work, set up their own businesses and to enhance their career progression. Kevin Rodger, PeoplePlus’s director of strategy, explains: “PeoplePlus is delighted to become a patron of Suffolk Chamber and to support the fantastic work it does in the region.
“Part of the wider Staffline Group, PeoplePlus is a leading national provider of graduate and other employment, apprenticeships, justice, health and wellbeing and adult social care services. We support tens of thousands of people each year to transform their lives, get into work and progress in their careers.
“Our patronage is a sign of our continued commitment to, and investment in, the local area and we look forward to working with the Suffolk Chamber, partners and key stakeholders to continue meeting the needs of employers and Suffolk residents.”
Suffolk Chamber’s patron scheme is a strategic partnership between an organisation and the Chamber. It allows patrons to take advantage of Suffolk Chamber’s highly influential connections across business, media and political leaders throughout the county and beyond and so influence policy at a national level. Patrons also gain access to additional exclusive benefits beyond those available to other members.
John Dugmore, chief executive of Suffolk Chamber welcomed PeoplePlus’s decision: “It says a great deal about the countrywide visibility and growing importance of both Suffolk Chamber and the county as a whole, that a national business of the status of PeoplePlus should become one of our patrons.
“We are very much looking forward to working with the PeoplePlus team to help them deepen their reach among leading influencers and policy makers.”
Pictured: John Dugmore welcoming Laura Savage (left), director of Apprenticeships and Sally Bond (centre), director of communities of PeoplePlus as patrons. Photo credit to David Garrad
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