CBI responds to latest Government announcements on Covid
28/01/2021 - CBI
Matthew Fell, CBI Chief UK Policy Director, said:
On the Government’s plans to publish a lockdown exit plan in late February
“The vaccine rollout is progressing well but it will clearly take time before the door to reopen the economy can be more than just ajar.
“Ongoing school closures will put real pressure on children and teachers, as well as parents who must continue to juggle work and home commitments.
“Business has a big role to play in charting a course out of lockdown that best protects firms, staff and customers. We are ready and willing to work with Government on their exit strategy.”
On the latest travel restrictions
“Business understands the health imperative, and remains committed to working with Government to bring the virus under control so normal life can resume.
“However, new quarantine rules will come as a further blow to an industry that has been one of the hardest hit by the pandemic.
“It is crucial that any tightening of international travel restrictions is decided on transparent evidence, clearly communicated and consistently applied.
“Immediate support will be needed to protect companies and jobs in the difficult period ahead. Firms will also expect Government to signpost a tangible route towards relaxing these restrictions, which must include a firm commitment to establishing a successful airport testing regime.
“These measures are critical to ensuring the UK’s world-class aviation sector – which underpins so much of our economic activity – can be ready to contribute to the country’s recovery later this year.”
For further information please visit the CBI website
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