Why SME's thrive in collaborative work environments
Contributed by Framlingham Technology Centre
19/01/2018 - Beatons Group
Beatons Group, the Suffolk accountancy firm, is launching a new dedicated digital services division called BG Cloud. The new division will help businesses improve efficiency by using online software and applications to reducing the time taken to process and record business transactions with customers and suppliers.
HMRC is proposing a major change to the way individuals and businesses file their tax information. The proposal will see annual tax returns replaced with ‘Making Tax Digital’, under which certain individuals and businesses will be required to submit information regarding their business and tax affairs digitally on a quarterly basis. Although the implementation has been put back by HMRC it still remains likely that all businesses will be required to comply with this in the future.
Not only will BG Cloud help businesses with these important HMRC changes, it will also offer clients the opportunity to improve their processes and obtain a number of key benefits whilst saving time and money.
BG Cloud director, Nick Marshall, explains: “There is a lot of technology out there to reduce the time businesses spend processing accounting transactions. For example, mobile phones can now be used to send orders and invoices to customers, which are then automatically transferred to the accounts software; transactions can also be directly downloaded from a bank account into the accounts software, all saving valuable data entry time.
“We want to help businesses embrace this technology and reap the benefits it brings. We have staff accredited by some of the major online software providers such as Quickbooks online (QBO), Sage and Xero and our expert team of advisors can help with the process from start to finish.”
As part of the BG Cloud implementation process, a Beatons Group Cloud expert will advise clients on choosing the software package most suitable to their needs, discuss applications to assist with the processing of data, and manage the migration of data from their current package to the ‘cloud’.
Further software training is available as is ongoing support, including remote access to accounting records, enabling Beatons Group advisors to assist with resolving live time data entry or reconciliation issues that may arise.
Following conversion to the cloud, Beatons Group offers a number of fixed price packages to enable clients to budget costs and avoid financial ‘surprises’ at the end of the year. As well as this, clients will have the opportunity to download the BG Cloud APP, providing easy access to such features as news articles and tax calculators.
For a free consultation to discuss how BG Cloud could help your business call tel: 01473 659777 or email: cloud@beatons.co.uk. For more information visit www.bgcloud.co.uk.
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