Auditel celebrate relocation from Suffolk coast to countryside

Auditel celebrate relocation from Suffolk coast to countryside

When father and son, John and Stephen Heathcock launched their Auditel franchise in March of 2000 little did they know how many businesses and charities they’d help over the following years. Many clients that engaged Auditel in those early years still benefit from the ongoing, impartial advice and assistance with managing their overheads, and the suppliers that provide them.

Initially based in a small office behind a Felixstowe Estate Agent, the office address has changed over the years as needs have grown, but 2019 has seen the team that deliver the service relocate away from the wonderful Suffolk coast for the first time.

A modern, slightly larger office at Brightwell Barns, just 2 minutes from the A12 near Martlesham, was too good to turn down. As well as significantly reducing the commute for most of the team and better parking facilities, the business park also offers a gym and a café.

Stephen Heathcock, MD of Auditel franchise Connect Consultancy Ltd says “We’re even happier here at Brightwell Barns, the office is brighter and has space for meeting clients, and most staff can cycle to work if they wish – though we haven’t been here through the winter yet!

Head of Operations, Chris Almond adds; “We’re grateful to our clients and professional contacts for their continued support over the years.“

Paul Copsey, Head of Client Services says “We now have more space and a better environment to help our clients across a wide range of overheads including waste, workwear, merchant services, fuel, stationery, freight in fact almost every business-related cost you can think of. When we started back in 2000 all we could offer was help with energy, water and telecommunications – though energy is still where we’re engaged the most and with ESOS, SECR, renewables, the EV market and ever evolving kwh and third party charges I don’t see the need for professional independent help diminishing in the near future”.

Visitors are always welcome at the new offices, though it’s wise to give fair warning if you’d like some biscuits put by to go with your coffee! Call 01394 334000 or email

Photo: L-R Stephen Heathcock, Chris Almond

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