Why SME's thrive in collaborative work environments
Contributed by Framlingham Technology Centre
9/11/2017 - Byford VA Services
Most business owners start a business to enable them to make a living doing something they love, but how much time ends up being spent on laborious admin tasks instead of the work you are passionate about (and that pays the bills)?
This is where a Virtual Assistant can step in and become a valuable asset to your business and help you achieve both your business goals and a desirable work/life balance.
Natasha Byford, Virtual Assistant shares the most popular eight admin tasks a virtual assistant can take off your hands;
Invoicing can be boring and time consuming but without it you won’t get paid. Whether you use an accounting system, an excel spreadsheet or a highly technical post-it note system, Byford services can help to streamline your process and keep your invoicing up to date, as well as keeping tabs on who has paid.
Creating, updating and maintaining databases
Whether that is organising lists of suppliers so you have one central document for easy reference, getting all your business cards collated into a usable mail list or updating an email list. Frequently these kinds of tasks are moved to the bottom of a never ending ‘to do’ list but if you get on top of them you will find it will help your day to day productivity as well as helping ensure administration tasks run more smoothly.
Data entry
This task ties in with the above, but is still often a time consuming task that a lot of businesses just don’t have the man power or resources to get done, so outsourcing can be a great way around this.
Typing up notes or meeting minutes
This could be anything from a couple of pages of notes that you need typed up for a client, a few pages of minutes that need typing up and formatting or an entire notebook full of handwritten notes that needs to be word processed. You simply hand the handwritten version over and receive it emailed back to you in an electronic format in a timely manner.
Completing a mail merge or email mail shot
Mail merges are a wonderful way of sending bulk mail to a list of individuals or companies, however if you don’t have the spare hours to be able to do this in house then it is something that can be outsourced to a Virtual Assistant. We could even build your list of recipients if you don’t already have that.
Email management
Emails are most likely the biggest time waster in an office environment or for any business owner, there are often hundreds of unwanted or spam emails that arrive in our inbox every week. A Virtual Assistant could delete these for you; unsubscribe you from the emails that are of no use and flag up any urgent emails, so when you log in to your emails you can instantly see which emails need an urgent response, which require a response at a convenient time and those that are for your reference.
Internet research
This can be a task that often business owners do not have the time to complete, whether it is checking out competitor websites and keeping an eye on the market or finding out information about a particular company, product or place. This is something a Virtual Assistant can do for you and then summarise the findings so you have all the knowledge you require with none of the time and hassle involved.
Have a clear out of paper archives
If you have boxes of paper archives that you need to keep, but could store them electronically, then scanning all the paper documents and renaming them so you can finally throw out those paper copies is a task that can be given to a Virtual Assistant. It clears out your office and also makes the documents easier to search if you ever need to find a certain document again.
Find out more about these and more VA services here.
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