1Spatial’s mobile application to capture real world data for land inspection programme
Contributed by 1Spatial
20/04/2021 - 1Spatial
Sustainability is core to our values and the work we do at 1Spatial, and travel is often a by-product of working globally. That’s why at the start of 2019 we decided to give 10% of all UK and Ireland flights in 20/21 to The Woodland Trust to help mitigate the impact of our business activity.
Capturing and storing carbon from the atmosphere is vital in the fight against climate change. Our woodlands absorb and lock-up tonnes of carbon each year in trees, shrubs and soils. We want to help protect and extend these carbon stores to ensure they can continue to absorb carbon emissions and provide a safe haven for nature in the future.
The Woodland Trust are the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. They have 500,000 members and supporters and more than 1,000 woods of their own. Formed in 1972 to protect and restore our woodlands, the trust has planted more than 50 million trees, saved 1,172 woods and revived 34,000 hectares of ancient woodland. Their ethos is one of sustainability for both people and wildlife and the protection and restoration of our woodlands plays a crucial role in creating a sustainable future.
Every donation counts. It is estimated each person in the UK is responsible for around 5.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide and this can double when you add travel and imports. 1Spatial’s donation will help the trust care for enough woodland to capture around 44 tonnes of carbon!
Click here to find out more and make a donation.
For more information visit the 1Spatial website
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