Transformative refurbishment project launches for Ipswich Regent Theatre
26/06/2023 - Ipswich Borough Council

Ipswich Regent Theatre – East Anglia’s largest theatre – has in response to customer feedback, launched an ambitious refurbishment project to improve the customer experience for theatregoers.
The project will modernise and significantly increase the venue’s toilet provision and include a new onsite Changing Places facility. Turnaround time at the venue’s bars will be improved with new larger bar areas and a fully refurbished Circle Lounge. The theatre’s entrance foyer will also offer improved disabled access.
There will be much more open space created within the venue to allow customers to dwell before and after shows as well during the interval. This project will also revive and restore some of the building’s stunning art deco features to their former glory.
To fund the estimated £3m cost of these customer-facing improvements, a Restoration Levy of £1.50 per ticket starts today, Friday 23 June 2023. This will be added to all tickets over £10 and the income from this will be ring-fenced for refurbishment, improvement and upkeep of the theatre.
Councillor Sophie Connelly, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Culture and Customers, says:
“Ipswich Regent Theatre has nearly 100 years of history and is the beating heart of live entertainment in Suffolk. Investment is required to ensure our facilities are modernised and updated, so that customers receive the very best experience.
This restoration Levy per ticket for theatre-goers will provide funding to enable improvements, so that The Regent remains an enjoyable Ipswich experience for a further 100 years.”
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