Slippers & Pyjamas to work….go on then!

Slippers & Pyjamas to work….go on then!

Local older person’s charity, Age UK Suffolk are calling for people across the county to do don their slippers or pyjamas for the day, anytime up until the end of December, to help to raise funds to support services for the older people of Suffolk.

Slip Into Slippers has become an annual fixture in the charity’s fundraising calendar and is a simple way of pledging support to the vital work that the organisation carries out, tackling loneliness and social isolation in older people, both now and in the future.

Supported by Ipswich Building Society, Slip Into Slippers is essentially a “themed dress down day” with a difference – encouraging people to simply donate £1 in their workplace, as an incentive to don their comfiest clothes for the day.

Jo Reeder, Head of Fundraising & Marketing for Age UK Suffolk said “We understand the demands on organisations to support charities, and wanted to create a campaign that was easy to take part in, without taking away from the fact that businesses have a job to carry out.  Slip into Slippers is a fun, simple and rewarding way of supporting a local charity and raising awareness of the needs and challenges of older people”.

To find out more about how you can get involved, call the fundraising team for a pack on 01473 298688 or email

Photo: Ipswich Building Society staff from the Ipswich town centre branch supporting Slip Into Slippers 2017.

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