Ipswich based Drain Doctor invests in rapidly expanding workforce
Contributed by Anglia Drain Doctor
2/06/2017 - Anglia Drain Doctor
In support of the community projects that will take place in Woodbridge upon completion of the Whisstocks waterfront development, Drain Doctor Plumbing has sponsored an enormous banner sporting a full-size image of the Anglo-Saxon ship discovered at Sutton Hoo in 1939.
Included in the Whisstocks development is the Long Shed that will provide covered space for a variety of community projects, including the construction of a replica of the Sutton Hoo ship. Thanks to the sponsorship generosity of Drain Doctor Plumbing the Woodbridge Riverside Trust has erected the 30-meter banner showing the impressive ship on the scaffolding for all to see. After the construction is completed the banner will be erected in the Long Shed.
Rob Simpson, Owner of Anglia Drain Doctor, commented: “We’re pleased to help bring the development to life while construction is underway. As it’s right opposite Sutton Hoo, the shared history is really worth celebrating. Once it’s built, the replica ship will be a great addition to the town. Indeed, it has already inspired the forthcoming The King’s River musical event that will take place at Whisstocks in July.”
For more information on The Kings River visit https://thekingsriver.co.uk/
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