Treating your hair, and the environment, at Heavenly Hair

Treating your hair, and the environment, at Heavenly Hair

At Saxmundham’s boutique salon Heavenly Hair, the team are as committed to style as they are sustainability.

“We have been using HDS eco towels for some time now,” explains salon Managing Director Janene Bush. “These single use, naturally biodegradable towels are made from ethically sourced wood pulp. They are great for the environment, and perfect for ensuring we can maintain a germ-free environment for each of our customers. Meanwhile, these towels cut down on water waste, as we don’t need to use a washing machine or tumble dryer, and that reduces our carbon footprint.”

To reduce this even further, plastic bags have now been replaced with paper, and receipts can be emailed rather than printed. And the salon uses LED lighting. “We regularly review our suppliers, to ensure they match our drive for sustainability. It’s about looking ahead and seeing what we can do better for the world outside our own door.”

The team also use PPD free colours in their hair dye treatments. This means they can offer clients a great colour treatment, without putting their health, or the health of the environment, at risk from toxins. And when it comes to plastics, refillable bottles are used as much as possible. “It’s about taking the burden off the environment, yet still offering our customers the same Heavenly Hair treatment that they have always enjoyed. The hair care industry has often been knocked for the use of ingredients in many products and treatments that don’t degrade easily. However, we are leading the way in showing there is an ecologically responsible and viable alternative for most of these challenges.”

Sustainable partners

The Heavenly Hair team also choose carefully who they get their supplies from. “Even our cleaning products, such as Method’s great range of anti-bacterial washes and sprays, which we use a lot of when cleaning our surfaces and equipment, are ecologically safe compared to your usual household or business cleaning products. This gives our customers reassurance that they are doing the right thing for the environment when they come in for their treatment, and we hope other health spas will follow our lead.”

Hygiene as standard

The team are also dedicated to maintaining a hygienic, sterile environment. “It goes without saying that our client’s health is our foremost priority, as it always has been. Our staff use hand sanitisers all the time, our surfaces are regularly cleaned, and each client in the chair gets their own towel, which is then disposed of in a sterile container. This ensures we can keep everyone safe and healthy, and feeling good about their hair.”

Book your hair appointment today. Call 01728 602491, email or visit the website.

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